Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 1/Day 3

Wednesday, June 26
Coachella to Desert Center, CA = 99km
Today our bike team was Zach's Angels + George + Amanda Koopman-Deboer

We left at 6am and already it was extremely humid. We biked through nurseries of palm trees- pretty awesome!
We biked a gradual climb through the hottest temperatures and on the freeway again. We stopped at a visitor center for ice cream- stayed an hour just to cool off in the air conditioning. SO nice! Continued onto the freeway. The state of California actually had it cleaned for us before the tour began, and it had a nice wide shoulder so it was an easier bike ride.
We arrived at camp at 12:30, which had been our goal for today. Today we're staying at a golf course- and again we jumped into the pool as soon as we arrived. Ate our lunches in some shade, but it's still ridiculously hot. Set up our sleeping bags in a large community room at the golf course. Going to be cozy, but at least the room has Wi-Fi and air conditioning.
We spent the remainder of the day just chilling and relaxing, facebooking and blogging until supper at 5:00. We had a burrito buffet with banana pudding for dessert and vanilla wafers. Had our peloton meeting and then bed at 8:30. I went to sleep with my ipod on because I expected there would be some snoring. But didn't expect the snoring to be SO loud. Finally after an hour of trying to block out the noise, I moved my sleeping bag to be in front of the men's bathroom door- away from other people, but people continually used the washroom throughout the night. Poor sleep!! Tired.

1 comment:

  1. Finally got on to your blog.
    Just want to say we are with you on the trip. We hope and pray you stay safe. How awesome that the State of California cleaned the highway for you all. Go Sara go!

    Herman and Amanda Maas
