Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One Month to Go!

One Month to Go!
Booked my flight to California last night! I am so excited!! It cost 430$ (one-way) and the flight is about 7.5 hours. I'm a little nervous to be arriving alone, but fortunately through technology I've been chatting with some other people on the tour and hopefully will be able to meet up with them as soon as I arrive!

May long-weekend my mom booked a campsite at Sandbanks Provincial Park, but I got called into work at Bayfield. I figure I should be working over-time since I'll be camping all summer! I had Sunday off though so I went for a nice 100km bike ride by myself. Biking through Prince Edward County is always beautiful- lots of green grass, lakes, trees, vineyards, etc. But a lot of the long country roads do not have a paved shoulder- proving to be dangerous with a lot of traffic. Drivers are used to cyclists, and are typically polite- and give me plenty of room on the road. But occassionally I'll get someone who nearly clips me or honks angrily as they go by.

Met up with mom and Lawrence 3/4 through my bike ride for some homemade goodness at Slickers Ice Cream in Bloomfield! Nothing tastes better after biking for hours on a hot and sunny afternoon :)

Going through Wellington, 200-300 motorcycles passed by me all giving a peace sign. I was confused as to whether I was supposed to return the sign? I found out later it's a hand signal they give each other to indicate they're going in a single line to give me more room on the road.


I'm also training for my first half-marathon in June! On Friday I ran 20kms, and was happy to realize after my body reached a certain point it went on auto-pilot and it felt like my feet were running for me- like I was on auto-pilot. I think that will happen quite a bit this summer haha. My body will get into a routine of biking and go onto auto-pilot.

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